

We offer a wide range of animation styles, from traditional hand-drawn to cutting-edge 3D. Whether you’re aiming for a light-hearted cartoon or a detailed explainer video, we have the skills to deliver stunning, effective visuals.

Our approach is deeply collaborative. We work with you every step of the way to ensure your vision is realized and your message is clear. Our animators are not just technicians; they are creative storytellers, ready to transform your ideas into engaging animated experiences.

Join us at Straight Arrow Studios and let’s create animation that makes your concept stand out. Here, your ideas are animated into reality, beautifully and simply.

Explore Our Digital & TVC Ad Film Making Services

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Why Choose Us

Best quality
Our team of creative collaborators are always exploring new possibilities bringing together out-of-the-box ideas into engaging narratives for brand commercials.
Money back
We approach every project with a unique perspective and we ensure the end objective of the ad film commercial is achieved.
Cheap price
Your triumph is our victory and we give great attention to detail, bringing together the core values of the business and brand into the digital & TVC ad films we create.


Milestone Video

Milestone Video

Robert Bosch Video

Robert Bosch Video

Robert Bosch

Robert Bosch Video

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Nailed it!
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Active Community Members!!
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Our Turf
1 %
If we had to score our hit rate??

“Brands We’ve Teamed Up With (And Had a Blast Doing It!)”



Let’s connect

Office Address:

Straight Arrow Studios Near Sri Vinayaka Enterprises, Ground floor, 253, 1st cross road, 1st Main road, Whitefield, Siddapura, Bengaluru Urban, Karnataka, 560066.

mail Address:

Contact us


    Our purpose is to build solutions that remove barriers preventing people from doing their best work.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)
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